Monday, February 11, 2008

Zero and a Half Years Old!

Today is Abigail's 6 month birthday :-) It seems like she's grown by leaps and bounds in the past month. She's become more interested in interacting, playing with mom & dad, and has become more curious about her surroundings. Sitting gives her a whole new vantage point of the world. Peek-a-boo and patty-cake always make her smile! Here you can see her helping me fold the laundry. And no, she's not wearing pants. They get in the way when she really wants to play with her toes! She also loves to remove things from her face. You can see she's into licking everything. And although we will try squash from time to time (with mixed results) she has shown great interest in other foods, like carrots!

Weight: 16 lbs 4 oz - 57 percentile
Length: 26 inches - 51 percentile
Head: 42.5 cm - 53 percentile


Sara said...

Wow I can't believe she's 6 months already! What a fun age.

Sara said...

BTW Malachi got his package from Abi, he was very excited.